okay, too much tear for several days. i don't know when it could be stopped. i just feel mess, rotten, fragile, weak, yeah something like that. i know, it must be stopped as soon as possible. too much suudzon, feel ungrateful, unfairness, oh i am sick with all of this feeling. tired. much.
just forget. let's focus to these things!
http://vimeo.com/10463223 open that link, and oh God..... i wanna have it!!!!!! ucul banget ih mauuuuu, pokoknya pas pulang nanti mau beli, mau nyari, waktu itu udah sempet ngaskus, eh pas udah contact orangnya malah udah ga jual lagi.....
ooyaa mau ini juga!!!! seru kan kalo kamar kosan kayak gitu........ tapi bingung juga sih bakal ganggu tidur apa engga, kan enakan gelap gulita.
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